Thursday, 16 January 2014

Personal Reflection...

Overall I think our team worked well together. We where organised by Sarah who kept us all motivated as she did a fantastic job allocating us our jobs as part of the project plan. My role in the group was to focus on the interior of the shop. figuring the connection between being in a shop and taking a journey through your daily routine, I decided that I wanted to re-create this in the shop. Using generic furniture that wouldn't be out of place in a house, I created a journey in which the customer will be taken around the shop, picking up products you would at home. I felt at some points within the group that I wasn't putting enough into the group, as everybody was doing a lot more than me. Although I did have input where needed in decision making.
Finally I think our team worked well as a group and I enjoyed working with Sarah, Sam and Scott who all did fantastic jobs within their speciality.   

CMYK Logo...

Scott created this logo for our team...

Winodw display...

This is the window display that we created for the presentation...



As part of out project we needed to bring a media element into our ideas. For our campaign we decided to promote NATURAL BEAUTY, to promote it we decided to set up a Facebook page so people could join the campaign. As a team we wanted to create something for our followers to participate in. Sarah came up with a fab idea of origami butterflies, for people to make and give to each other as a token of their natural beauty.

Here is the instructions on how to make an origami butterfly and some that have already been made:

Some of the butterflies have been made ironically out of magazine pages...



Interior Presentation Board...

This is the final presentation board for the interior scheme created by myself and support from the team:

Visual Interior Walk through...

This is a fantastic Visual walk through that Scott created, he has really captured the feeling of the interior that I wanted to get across to the audience:

Campaign Posters...

Sarah's ideas for the campaign posters really worked. The final poster looks sleek, unique and gives a fantastic impact for our campaign.
This poster was the original idea that Scott came up with:
This poster is the final poster that we decided on. We likes this design better as a group because it incorporated the illustrations that Sam had done earlier in the project:

Sams' Packaging - Gift bag...

Sam made a fantastic job of creating a gift bag, that would be for sale in the shop...

Product Posters...

With Sam's drawings and Scott's skills on Photoshop, together they have created four fabulous posters for our team.
The posters comprise of body butter, colour crush lipstick, drops of youth and White musk:


Getting addicted to THE BODY SHOP!!!

After Christmas I hit the sales and being slightly addicted to THE BODY SHOP because of researching it for the past 8 weeks... I indulged in a new set of body beautifying lotions and potions...

Packaging Nets...

Over Christmas I got some gifts and was really inspired by the packaging, knowing that Sam needed some inspiration I brought them in for her to look at:

Final Design visuals

Scott has worked really hard on these visuals, and he really has painted the picture of the image and the scheme that I wanted to get across.